Operating hours:
Monday to Friday
For pool use:
14:00 s.d. 19.00
For classroom use:
09:00 s.d. 19:00
Saturday to Sunday
09:00 s.d. 17:00
Welcome to Dive & Co
Our diving facility was established in 2016. In order to grow our business and fulfil the needs of the diving industry we collaborated to operate a diving pool. Our pool is an indoor pool where the overall length of our pool is 20 square metres and the width of our pool is 10 square metres with a depth of 3.3 metres, in our pool there is a shallow pool with a depth of 1.25 metres with a width of 10 square metres and a length of 1.5 square metres.
We rent out the pool and diving equipment such as BCD, Regulator, Wetsuit, Snorkle and fin.